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Newsletter - March 2008


We currently have seventy-two individual members. If you know of anyone who would like to join our Society, there is a 2008 membership form on our website. 2008 Corporate Members: Sub-Arctic Surveys, Weaver and Devore Trading.

Special Events

A big thank you for those volunteers who worked at our Arctic Winter Games booth and to various companies for providing us with additional pins and merchandise. Thank you to:

  • Gordon Graydon
  • Walt Humphries
  • Yvonne Quick
  • Joy Watt
  • The NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines, for providing us with additional souvenirs.
  • Great Slave Helicopters for providing their popular pins and hats.
  • The Northern Frontier Visitors Centre for providing Yellowknife pins.

This event was to increase the community awareness regarding mining heritage and, as a bonus, we raised $400 selling merchandise and received three more members. We completed our first ‘Stones in Motion’ curling demonstration on the Snow King’s outside rink on March 22 and 23, 12 – 5 p.m. daily. Thank you for the Yellowknife Curling Club for providing the rocks, brooms, and additional volunteers. Thank you to the following volunteers:

  • Larry & Cappy Elkin
  • Dave Kellett
  • Louise & Lionel Marcinkoski
  • Barb MacDonald
  • Jim Poulsen
  • Ryan Silke
  • Peter Verstraaten
  • Cathy and Peter Comeau

Only in Yellowknife could you have a hovering helicopter clean the snow off your curling rink and that’s exactly what happened Saturday! Through donations, $140 was raised and split with the Yellowknife Curling Club. Over one hundred individuals, young and old, enjoyed this outdoor curling opportunity. One enthusiastic Japanese tourist curled for over an hour, playing games with Jim Poulsen whenever there was a lull in participation level.

Approved Grants

The City of Yellowknife has approved our 2008 Special Grant application of $9,800. We are currently seeking quotes for $2,000,000 in liability insurance as this insurance is a prerequisite to receiving the grant from the City of Yellowknife. We also have an agreement in principal with the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Directorate (INAC) for $53,000 for the complete set of architectural drawings. Wayne Guy, of Guy Architects, attended our March board meeting to review the current floor plan and incorporate changes as required.

Walter Gibbins Trust Fund

On March 20th, a celebration of the $25,000 donated to the new Walter Gibbins Memorial Fund took place at the Greenstone building, which currently houses the Walter Gibbins Mineral Display. The photo below includes Board members of the NWT Mining Heritage Society and the Yellowknife Community Foundation.

Click here for a PDF version of this newsletter:

newsletter2008c.pdf (147.55 KB)