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Newsletter - February 2008


The membership drive continues. We currently have sixty individual members and two corporate members. By the end of the year, we hope to have one hundred individual members and a minimum of ten corporate members. Corporate Membership ($500/year) We would like to acknowledge and thank our second corporate member:

Weaver and Devore Trading Ltd. ( Weaver and Devore Trading Ltd. is a general store in Yellowknife that has built its reputation on service to the customer. They carry a wide variety of items including Canada Goose winter jackets and parkas, winter boots, camping equipment, floatation suits, work wear, work boots, hiking boots, shoes, coveralls, overalls, rainwear, fishing supplies and much more.


We recently received a $5,000.00 grant from the Yellowknife Community Foundation. Our Society and The Yellowknife Community Foundation have also signed the final agreement for the creation of two trust funds, the ‘NWT Mining Heritage Trust Fund’ and the ‘Walter Gibbins Memorial Trust Fund’. The monies previously in a Walter Gibbins memorial account, $25,000, have now been transferred to the Yellowknife Community Foundation’s Walter Gibbins Memorial Trust Fund.

We are very excited to introduce to you our new Fundraiser, Linda Bussey. She has been the Executive Director of the Yellowknife Hospital Foundation for the past five years. She has also been a Trustee for the YK1 and French School Board. We are very excited to have Linda onboard and look forward to working with her to solicit major sponsors.

Deb Bain, one of our members and a previous Board member, has been working with a designer to complete our first professional brochure. The final printed version will be available in March and will be useful in soliciting new members and sponsors. Thank you Deb, for making this a reality!


Our Society’s mandate is to preserve mining heritage in the Northwest Territories and to promote the development of facilities, sites, and exhibits that will further the understanding and appreciation of mining, mineral exploration, and geology in the N.W.T. As such, we are expanding the distribution and sales of our two books, ‘Con Mine, a Pictorial History ’ and the ‘Not Only Gold’ book.

Special Events … please come join us!

If you can spare a few hours we will need some volunteers at:

  • Society Booth @ The Arctic Winter Games Athlete’s Centre (to be located beside City Hall) Mon, March 9 – Sat, March 15 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. & 5 - 7 p.m. (daily). We will provide information about our Society and sell merchandise and memberships.
  • Stones In Motion (At the Snowking) Sat. March 22 & Sun, March 23 1 - 5 p.m. We will provide encouragement to anyone who would like to try ‘outside’ curling (no experience necessary). Please call Cathy @ 873-6078 to book your volunteer times.

Congratulations to Tyler Heal!

In January, Yellowknife City Council voted unanimously to award the 2007 Heritage Award to Tyler Heal. Tyler, who is sixteen, is donating all of the proceeds from his book “The Times Behind the Signs ” to the NWT Mining Heritage Society. Tyler’s book provides descriptions, archival photos and stories behind Yellowknife’s street names. Tyler was recognized for his achievements and celebrated at an award ceremony during the Heritage Award dinner. Way to Go Tyler!

Click here for a PDF version of this newsletter:

newsletter2008b.pdf (98.45 KB)